Phillica ATX Power Supply TESTER

The Phillica Power Supply Tester displays the condition of your power supply. Simply plug the tester into your power supply's 24 pin molex connector and the built in LEDs will give a basic diagnostic of your power supply. If all of the green LED's light up , then the power is OK. If a LED doesn't light up, then there is a malfunction in the power supply and it is highly recommended to stop use of it.

This is a small handheld device that you will want to take everywhere with you. 9cm x 7cm


  • Tests 20-pin and 24-pin power supplies
  • Tests SATA power
  • Tests Pentium 4 power connector
  • Tests PCI-Express power connectors
  • Tests Xeon power connectors
  • Tests Floppy drive connectors
  • Tests Hardisk drive connectors
  • Tests standard 4-pin power supply connectors
  • Tests for +3.3V, -12V, PG, +5VSB, +12V, -5V, +5V outputs

Phone (02) 4987 0188  to order this item.
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